Amy Dickie 1
Charlotte Streck 2
Stephanie Roe 2
Monika Zurek 2
Franziska Haupt 2
Alex Dolginow 1
Contributing Authors
James Amonette 3
Matthew Elliott 1
Merrian Goggio Borgeson 1
Erin Hafkenschiel 1
Charlie Parker 2
Paul West 4
1. California Environmental Associates
2. Climate Focus
3. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
4. Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota
Suggested Citation
Dickie, A., Streck, C., Roe, S., Zurek, M., Haupt, F., Dolginow, A. 2014. “Strategies for Mitigating Climate Change in Agriculture: Recommendations for Philanthropy.” Climate Focus and California Environmental Associates, prepared with the support of the Climate and Land Use Alliance. Report and supplementary materials available online at