Category: Atualizações
Securing land title for indigenous peoples is among most cost-effective ways to conserve South America's rain forests.
Amazon’s diversity of life and indigenous peoples' knowledge could combine with new technologies to fuel biodiversity-based approach to development.
While hundreds of companies have committed to reducing deforestation, almost 60% of corporate commitments have a deadline of 2020 or earlier.
An opportunity is pending that could make a difference to achieving climate stability and sustainable development goals on a global scale.
Global Witness finds at least 185 environmental defenders murdered in 2015.
New assessment of national reporting and independent science in the context of the Paris Agreement.
Norway's environment minister says indigenous land rights and private sector funding key to saving forests.
Asia Pulp & Paper is building one of world’s largest pulp mills without a sustainable wood supply.
Briefing on role tropical forests—and indigenous peoples who protect them—must play in reaching Paris Agreement’s targets.
A major Brazilian supermarket chain commits to stop selling beef linked to human rights violations and Amazon rainforest destruction.