Category: Atualizações
The Brazil Fund is supporting investigative journalism projects focused on human rights violations and discrimination.
EU forest climate proposal could hide emissions increase and set dangerous precedent
Part of our commitment to being an effective organization is evaluating our progress as we work toward our aims.
Researchers at Winrock find that emissions from tropical forest degradation amount to a third of those from deforestation.
BIC report finds World Bank's fossil fuel subsidies undermine its own forest protection and climate commitments.
Forest 500 analysis finds the export trade in soy, palm oil, beef, leather, paper and timber continues to destroy rainforests.
CDP report finds revenues in jeopardy as companies reliant on commodities linked to deforestation underestimate risk.
New report explores opportunities for conservation, agricultural production, and social inclusion in Brazil's tropical savannas.
Protecting indigenous land rights is a cheap, effective approach to slowing deforestation and fighting climate change.
Assessment of implementation of New York Declaration on Forests finds deforestation-free supply chains only possible with strong forest governance.